Crop Production



Trial. 1/OFT/KVK/KLK/Kharif/2012

Evaluation of rice variety NDLR-7 against BPT 5204

Rice variety NDLR-7 was tested against BPT-5204 in 10 locations of western parts of chittoor district. The results revealed that NDLR-7 recorded the grain yield of 5648 kg/ha i.e  8.13 percent higher  grain yield than BPT-5204 with B:C ratio of 2.2 during kharif, 2012.


Trial. 2/OFT/KVK/KLK/Kharif/2012

Evaluation of Ragi variety PPR-2700 against local variety

Ragi variety PPR-2700 was tested against local ragi variety in 10 locations in punganuru and madanapalli mandals. The results revealed that PPR-2700 recorded higher grain yield of 2350 kg/ha with increased  grain yield by 25.33 percent during late kharif 2012.


Trial. 3/OFT/KVK/KLK/Rabi/2012

Evaluation of Sugarcane variety 2005 T -16 against 93V297

Trial on performance of  sugarcane variety 2005T- 16, an alternative to 93V297 has been given to five farmers in western mandals of chittoor dt during rabi-2012-13 and the crop is at 50DAP.


Plant Protection



Trial. 1/OFT/KVK/KLK/Kharif/2012

Management of PSND in groundnut

To control PSND in kharif groundnut, seed treatment with imidacloprid @1 m.l and mancozeb@ 3 g per kg of seed;  intercropping with redgram at 7:1 ratio; border cropping with 3-4 rows of bajra/jowar and one spraying of monocrotophos @1.6 m.l/lit was followed. By practicing this farmers got nearly 8500/- net income per hectare.